
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh yeah! I had a baby!

Yay! here's the "I had my baby" post, just about four months after the fact.

Michael Orion was born January 20th at 3:56 AM after putting me through a day or so of non-progressive, excruciating back labor. After going in to the hospital, being sent home because I was only at a 3 (poo!), and going in again the next day around the same time, still at a 3, I decided the epidural was the thing for me. And boy, was it bliss. After that, labor went really well, and before I knew it, I was holding my beautiful baby boy in my arms and feeling very blessed to have had such a relatively smooth experience. I am so thankful for modern medicine. I probably would have been too exhausted by the time I got to push if I hadn't been able to get the much needed sleep enabled by that epidural.

It's crazy (albeit cliche) how fast the days have gone by, but my baby is already almost four months old (just a few more days!), and he really is a sweetheart. He's smiling a lot, cooing, grunting, and even giggling now. He loves mornings, waking up several times a night to eat, and going for walks now that the weather is nicer. He is the most beautiful blend of me and Steve. I am undoubtably biased, but I think he's pretty darn adorable.

Ok, that's enough sappy fawning over my little cherub (you know, the kind that drools and doesn't sleep well at night). Here are a couple of pictures. Over and out.